Playing With Time is a great web site on how the world around us changes over time. It would fit in well with a stop motion animation unit along with many science and math topics.
I recently developed a lesson for creating I Spy style pages using Photoshop Elements. I am in the beginning phases of testing this with students and can't wait to see the results.
Scholastic has a great site called Write It. The site provides step-by-step help through the writing process. Students can also publish their writing on the site.
The Bloz Guide to Electric Circuits is an awesome interactive web site. Students will gain good information, work through online activities, and take quizzes all related to Electric Circuits. This site is definitely worth a look.
Found a great tutorial for creating your own color swatches. I can't wait to try this... I think it might come in handy when working on continuing projects. Enjoy!
I recently discovered two great color related web sites. Color Schemer is a quick tool which generates color schemes which you can lighten or darken. Color In Motion is a fun site which explores color communication and symbolism.
For me seeing color in new ways always gets my design creativity going. Have fun!
Font garden is not your typical font site. Not only do they offer free fonts and ones you can purchase... you can also create your own font. This is a great site to find fresh, never before seen fonts. Enjoy!
I found this design/photography web site while surfin' a few blogs. I am totally into the design the different color palettes in each guide. A great resource when creating in Photoshop Elements. Enjoy!